A Look Back at our 65th Reunion
Riverside Hotel - Boise
September 3, 2024

What a joyful reunion we had! Sixty-five years since we donned cap and gown and ended a milestone year at Borah High School. This year we reconnected with friends from near and far-one couple came from Virginia, others from Wisconsin, from Kansas, from New Mexico. One couple mentioned they had forty-three grandchildren and three great-grands.

A total of thirty-six Borah High classmates attended. This event was not a joint reunion with Boise High School, although we invited any interested to come. Twelve Boise High classmates joined us and a few more took the tour of the Boise High archives. Along with the Riverside's shuttle van, classmates carpooled to Boise High for the one-hour tour. Everyone enjoyed it. You will find some pictures here on the website.

They returned to find a no-host bar ready in the Aspen Room. After an hour of meet-and-greet, our buffet dinner was ready, a little earlier than planned. This gave us a headstart on the evening and time for a lot of visiting. With a total of seventy-six in attendance, we filled ten round tables.

After the invocation offered by Jerry Heimbuch, Ginger Brady Shingler led the group by asking questions that encouraged a lot of thoughtful interaction. Several used the floor mic to share their responses. Ginger introduced and thanked Paula Carlson Weir (Gary Carlson's sister) who acts as our webmaster for borah1959.com, as well as Judy Gribble Gillam who maintains the Borah High master list and communicates any class news. Judy Hawkins Demond shared her memory of a life lesson she and Ginger learned in school, and thanked Ginger for her leadership in organizing the reunion. Awaiting the photographer's arrival, we were free for more visiting and time to look over the display table of memorabilia, a picture board of those Borah classmates who have passed, a list of those we have lost contact with, and a book holding a collection of obituaries.

Although some had to leave to accommodate early plane reservations or other obligations, those remaining gathered on the lobby stairs for group photographs. Again, there was more chit-chat and laughter contributing to this memorable occasion. Don Miller's wife, Lucy, remarked how much she enjoyed watching the interaction and fun we all seemed to have with each other. As another reunion came to a close, we left with a feeling of happiness in reconnecting and reminiscing with friends during the 65th reunion of the Borah High School Class of 1959.

We offer a huge thank you to the following for their significant contributions to planning and execution of the reunion: Ginger Brady Shingler, Judy Gribble Gillam, Don and Lucy Miller, and Kay Turnbull Jameson; from Boise High, Pam Montrose, Bill Lewis, Errol Maus, and Carol Ann Muzatko Henson.